Okuass North America is a past student organization for Okuapemman School. We aim to bring together alumni from Okuapemman School in North America.
Our annual reunion is held every year in North America. This is a great opportunity for alumni to come together and reconnect. We organize various activities, including sports competitions, cultural events, and networking sessions. Join us this year and make new memories with old friends.
We organize career talks where alumni can share their experiences and provide guidance and mentorship to current students. These talks cover a wide range of industries and professions, and are a great way for students to learn about different career paths and connect with successful alumni.
We organize fundraising events to support Okuapemman School. These events include charity walks, auctions, and benefit concerts. Join us in giving back to our beloved school and community.
Membership in Okuass North America is open to all alumni of Okuapemman School residing in North America. As a member, you will have access to our events and activities, as well as exclusive benefits such as discounts and special offers from our partners.
Stay connected with your fellow alumni and stay up-to-date with the latest news and events by following us on social media. You can also join our mailing list to receive regular updates and newsletters.
Our members enjoy a wide range of benefits, including exclusive access to job postings, career development resources, and mentorship opportunities. We also offer discounts on tickets to our events, as well as discounts and special offers from our partners.
"Joining Okuass North America was the best decision I made after graduating from Okuapemman School. It has allowed me to reconnect with old friends and make new ones. The events and activities are always fun and engaging, and I have learned so much from the career talks and mentorship opportunities."
"I have been a member of Okuass North America for several years now, and I can honestly say that it has been a wonderful experience. The organization has helped me stay connected with my alma mater and has provided me with valuable resources and support for my career."
"Being a member of Okuass North America has allowed me to give back to my community and make a positive impact in the lives of others. The fundraising events are always a lot of fun, and it feels good to know that we are making a difference."